the Boat Rocker
Mother-32 Edition

The Boat Rocker is a drop-in eurorack power supply for empty Moog Mother-32/DFAM/BFAM/Subharmonicon/Spectravox boats. This was originally designed for people who had put Moog's fantastic synthesisers in this format into larger eurorack systems and just happen to have the case knocking about without an application. However, it is capable of more (further versions of the product will follow, with the same main board.)

It is powered from a 15 volt external "brick" style PSU, which is included. Boat Rocker then resolves the +12v, -12v, and +5v rails from there, in two independently-regulated groups of 5 connectors per. Each group can absolutely provide at least 500mA per rail, giving you a full amp of each rail in the case total. There is also integrated STG Sync Bus distribution to 4 connectors.

Here is a photo of the board loaded into a Moog boat:

The STG Sync Bus is fed from the rear panel 1/4" TRS jack. It follows the Arturia/Behringer DIN sync spec of 24ppq clock on the tip, run gate on the ring, and ground on the sleeve. You should be able to use a simple 3.5mm->1/4" TRS cable (which can even be found at Wal-Mart!) to drive the sync bus from an Arturia Beatstep Pro with its default settings out of the sync connector. Behringer drum machines will need to have certain parameters set, please consult your manual.

The kit includes 3 screws for mounting the power supply in the case, in the rear channel, and 20 square M3 nuts so you can actually mount a useful number of modules in the case!

The Boat Rocker was expertly engineered by Detachment 3.

Price: $199

Currently on order hiatus until I get more stock.